Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 3: Workshop

Make sure and visit Blackboard to workshop your essay.  

Workshop Draft due by Sept. 12.

Response due by Sept. 16

If you have any general classroom questions this week, post them here.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 2 Discussion

Imagine that you are the teacher.  Thinking about the advice in the readings on we've done so far, what advice and praise would you the writers of Just Like Papi Guero, True Wealth is Measured in Gumballs, Seasoning a Bond orr Tool of War?  Choose one or two of these to discuss. 

Remember, you can’t get away with just saying, “oh, that was good,” or “I didn’t like it.”  Really explain what works for you in this essay and what else you’d like as a reader. Give some specific examples and explain why they work for you or what you'd like to see instead.  

Don’t forget to check back in over the course of the week and contribute to the developing conversation.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 1 Discussion

Hi, if you've landed here, please go to  I apologize for the change.  I thought that Blogger would work well, but it turns out that Word Press will be much better.

Also, make sure that you refresh your 1301Online ( page when you go back as that will update all the appropriate discussion links to the link above.

Finally, I've done a final update to the syllabus as of today that also updates these links and clarifies any references to the "class."  Yes, we are just online.

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you,
